The spin-off series, My Hero Academia Vigilantes is getting an anime adaptation. Vigilantes hold great potential in terms of characters and adding depth to the main story. Also, the fact that Kohei Horikoshi, the mangaka of My Hero Academia, signed it off as canon makes it more credible.
The story is based in the same universe as My Hero Academia. So it’s safe to assume that there’ll be some crossover of your favorite characters and plot points.
All the characters that can appear in My Hero Academia Vigilantes anime
My Hero Academia Vigilantes is the story of Koichi Haimawari, a Vigilante who does everything heroic without a hero license. He carries out his hero business along with Kazuho Haneyama and Knuckleduster. So with the focus on these characters, we’ll see more new characters as both heroes and villains.
- Koichi is the main character of MHA Vigilantes. His ideals are similar to Deku but he is his unique character.
- Kazuho Haneyama is a pop star idol and a vigilante who works along with Koichi and Iwao Oguro. Her hero’s name is Pop Step.
- Iwao Oguro or Knuckleduster is significant to the main story as well. He is another member of the central trio.
My Hero Acamdemia characters in the spin-off
As for the original story, My Hero Academia, we’ll get to see some of our beloved characters make their appearances here and there. Here are all the characters who’ll appear in My Hero Academia Vigilantes anime.
- Eraserhead is significant to the My Hero Academia and will make plenty of appearances in the spin-off anime. He has encounters with the main characters of vigilantes and some clash of ideologies. But if you’re a fan of Aizawa, Vigilantes will have extra canon content for your favorite character.
- After Aizawa, Ingenium makes the most number of appearances in the MHA Vigilantes manga. He sticks around and sometimes helps Koichi who’s the MC.
- Stain is a very well-written villain and Vigilantes adds more depth to his character. With a menacing character design and solid backing for his actions, Stain managed to leave a considerable impression behind. You can expect him to show up again in the anime adaptation of MHA Vigilantes anime.
- Fat Gum is one of the coolest MHA characters. The plot of Vigilantes requires his appearance in the spin-off. His association with the cops makes him significant to it.
- The timeline of MHA Vigilantes is 6 years before the current timeline. It takes place shortly after the fight between All Might and All for One. You’ll see the top heroes have some cameos. All Might, Midnight, and Endeavour are some of the two heroes who’ll show up in Vigilantes.
More canon content is always appreciated by fans. And My Hero Academia Vigilantes seems to get this concept right. With the anime and manga nearing their end, no need to look up ‘anime like My Hero Academia as MHA Vigilantes Anime is here to fill the void.