Arthdal Chronicles is a K-Drama, specifically Sageuk or historical drama, released last 2019. Studio Dragon produced the drama and was partly inspired by Dangun, the first founder of the Korean Kingdom of Gojoseon (an ancient kingdom ruled in the Northern Korean Peninsula founded in 2333 BCE). The writers of the series also wrote hit K-dramas such as Six Flying Dragons and Deep-Rooted Tree/Tree with Deep Roots.
The drama is set in Arthdal, a fictional ancient land. The themes of the drama are power struggles and Eunsom’s quest for his tribe’s renaissance.
Main Character
- Eunseom – His fate is set to bring disaster to Arthdal. Half-human and half Neanthal.
- Tagon – Most powerful war hero of Arthdal. Led Arthdal to a prosperous kingdom. Strives to be the first king of Arthdal
- Tanya – Successor of Wahan Tribe, upholds the highest honor and aspires to be a politician
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Arthdal Chronicles MMORPG
Netmarble and Studio Dragon collaborate for the first time and will be turning the hit K-Drama into an MMORPG. Netmarble during its 5th NTP (Netmarble Games Together with Press) announced Arthdal Chronicles among the games in their lineup. Both parties are developing the Intellectual Property of Arthdal Chronicles since 2020 along with the production of the K-Drama’s Season 2.
There are still a few details about the MMORPG since its announcement last January 2022. A trailer has been released and shown potential in terms of graphics, though there is still more to be discovered.
Players can enjoy the game on both mobile and PC. There is an expected global release as one of the big target markets is the United States. Arthdal Chronicles is the 6th most preferred K-Drama in the US last 2019 according to the Korea Creative Content Agency.
Arthdal Chronicles K-Drama x MMORPG is hoped to be released this 2022. While waiting for more details about the game, you may watch Season 1 of Arthdal Chronicles available on Netflix.
Power struggles and mind games. Are you ready to conquer?
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