Battlefield 1 Single Player Trailer: What Did We Learn More?

Battlefield 1

Battlefield 1 official single player trailer released on 27th. And. It’s. Epic.

The recently launched Battlefield 1 single player trailer showcases an engaging story about the World War I and the rise of machine weaponry like tanks. The trailer tries to show that Battlefield 1 will target everything from WWI planes to hands-on combat and tank firing to scoping with artillery and horseback sword-fighting.

All packed inside a *heavy breathing* super-awesome graphics package.

The story features this heart-warming text:

“They push, we push. Every once in a while, we push hard enough that the light breaks through the clouds and the world beyond the war glimmers.

Behind every gunsight is a human being. We are those people. If history only remembers one of a thousand of us then that future will be filled with stories of who we were and what we did but until that day comes, we will stand, we will look death in the eye, and WE WILL FIGHT.”

The trailer shows multiple shots about what’s in the game – deserts and frozen lands to cinematic skies and heart-pumping battle scenarios.

Get ready for the Battlefield 1. People are already crying RIP CoD (no comment on that). Get ready to “Discover classic Battlefield gameplay through an adventure-filled campaign with the Battlefield 1 single player.”

Battlefield is hitting Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and PC globally on 21st October. Here’s the trailer.

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