In the sprawling world of Cyberpunk 2077, some quests hide in plain sight, waiting for players to stumble upon them. The Highwayman is one such quest, intriguing and captivating, but without the usual quest markers. This guide will walk you through the intriguing journey of completing The Highwayman side quest in Cyberpunk 2077.
What is The Highwayman Side Quest in Cyberpunk 2077?
The Highwayman is a quest that defies convention. It doesn’t offer quest markers, and you won’t receive clear waypoints to your objectives. Instead, you must rely on contextual clues provided by the game to navigate and uncover the quest’s mysteries.
- It’s worth noting that this side quest is accessible to all players, regardless of their chosen lifepath in Cyberpunk 2077.
- But you can only embark on this journey after successfully completing the “Complete the Ride” quest.
Starting Your Journey
To initiate The Highwayman quest, venture to Rancho Coronado, located near the gun shop on the area’s eastern side. This is the same spot where you can obtain the Divided We Stand Smart Assault Rifle.
- Once you arrive, look around the back of the building. Here, you’ll come across a garage door.
- Open it, and inside, you’ll find a laptop alongside a battered motorcycle.
- Interact with the motorcycle to trigger a conversation with Johnny, and then head over to the laptop.
- This is where you’ll officially pick up the quest and discover a photo depicting a young couple on a bench.
Find James
With the quest in your hands, your next task is to locate a man named James. You can open the photo and information in the emails on the laptop to piece together the clues guiding you to his whereabouts.
- James can be found in Japantown, near the Japantown West fast travel point.
- Look for him sitting on a bench adorned with a graphic displaying “J & J” inside a heart.
- Engage in a conversation with him to delve deeper into what happened.
Unraveling Josie’s Fate
After conversing with James, your quest objectives will shift, leading you to uncover the fate of a woman named Josie. You’ll learn that she has stolen a bike from one of the Tyger Claw bosses, which has now put her in the Tyger Claws’ crosshairs.
- Your next destination is the Metro: Glen North fast travel point in Glen.
- Here, you must use your scanner to identify a bloodstain on the ground.
- Follow the trail of blood up the stairs, veer to the left, and descend into an alleyway to your left.
- Just beyond the dumpster, you’ll discover Josie’s lifeless body and a datashard.
- Retrieve the shard and inspect its contents to uncover more details about Josie’s demise.
- Now, it’s time to return to James for further conversation.
Confronting James
Back at James’ location, you’ll have several conversation options:
- “So you had a choice.”
- “You pathetic piece of sh*t.”
Opting for the second choice will force you into a combat encounter with James, ultimately leading to his death.
Recovering the Stolen Tyger Claw Bike
With the truth unveiled, your mission now revolves around reclaiming the stolen Tyger Claw bike. Thankfully, Josie has left behind precise instructions within the datashard you found near her body.
- Make your way to the All Foods Plant in Watson, with a convenient fast travel point located just south of your destination.
- Upon arrival, search for a garage with a horse icon displayed on a poster.
- You’ll need to input the code “0214” into the keypad to unlock the garage and successfully complete The Highwayman quest.
- Enter the garage to obtain the Nazare “Itsumade” motorcycle, a valuable addition to your vehicle roster.
The Highwayman is a testament to the intricate storytelling and gameplay experiences awaiting players in Cyberpunk 2077. With no quest markers and a narrative that unfolds through contextual clues, it offers a refreshing gameplay from the usual gaming formula.
So, get out there, embrace the challenge, and cruise the streets of Night City in style with your newly acquired Nazare “Itsumade” motorcycle.
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