Elden Ring: Bloodhound’s Fang + Bloodhound Knight Darriwil Guide

Elden Ring’s Bloodhound’s Fang, is a Curved Greatsword. The Fang of the Bloodhound scales strongly on Strength and Dexterity, giving it a great weapon for executing deadly melee attacks while keeping a safe distance from enemies. In Limgrave, the Bloodhound Knight Darriwil drops the weapon.

Bloodhound Knight Darriwil

Darriwil, the Bloodhound Knight, is an optional boss in Elden Ring. Dex-based builds will want to track down this monster for his distinctive weapon, the Bloodhound’s Fang. The boss can be terrifying and may result in a few deaths along the way. The Marika Statue is located near so it’ll be fairly easy to start again. And again lmao. :p

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Players shouldn’t be too concerned about defeating the Bloodhound Knight Darriwil because he isn’t a mandatory boss in Elden Ring. It may take some time to completely memorize the boss’ combo, so keep your cool while learning his moves.


Screengrab Courtesy of Its Shatter via YouTube

The Bloodhound Knight Darriwil may be found in Elden Ring, southeast of Limgrave, where reaching the boss location may require ascending a mountain. After that, you will arrive at Forlon Hound Evergaol.

Forlon Hound Evergaol is a stone-shaped arena with a purple core.

When you stand at its center, a message will appear inviting them to enter Evergaol. You will fight the Bloodhound Knight Darriwil inside the Evergaol.

Screengrab Courtesy of Its Shatter via YouTube

Teleportation serves as an isolation mechanism, cutting you off from all spirits and online recruits. In Elden Ring, this boss encounter is supposed to be a 1v1 battle.

How To Beat

Darriwil, the Bloodhound Knight, is lightning fast, using his Bloodhound’s Fang Curved Greatsword to wreak havoc on his prey. His fighting technique is to narrow the distance, swing his Curved Greatsword two or three times, and then flee as quickly as possible. If you get too far ahead of yourself, Darriwil will vanish and reappear in front of you, striking his combination once again.

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Hemorrhage, often known as the Bleed condition, is caused by Bloodhound strikes, hence preventing the damage with shields and relying on Guard Counter is not recommended. Instead, you should roll out of his swings and learn his patterns so you can strike back when the time comes.

Screengrab Courtesy of Its Shatter via YouTube

Parrying is the most effective strategy in this boss fight. Many of the Knight’s slashes are easy to parry. After punishing the Bloodhound with a nasty Visceral strike, charge a strong attack, just like in any other Souls/Borne game.

Although Bloodhound Knight Darriwil is a powerful and speedy opponent, his HP can be quickly depleted and the monster easily defeated if you grasp his move set and pattern.

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Screengrab Courtesy of Its Shatter via YouTube

You will receive 1900 Runes and Darriwil’s signature Curved Greatsword, Bloodhound’s Fang if you defeat him. The Curved Greatsword is a beautiful weapon with an even more beautiful skill move. You must have 18 Str and 17 Dex stats to use it. Elden Ring’s Bloodhound’s Fang scales with both Str and Dex, though Dex offers it greater damage.

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