Elden Ring: Torrent, How to Get

The riding system is one of the most fascinating aspects of Elden Ring. Players can call Torrent, Elden Ring’s player horse, in the open world after a brief time in the game. With his vertically-oriented move set, Riding Torrent greatly accelerates exploration and can take players to areas that would otherwise be inaccessible.

In Elden Ring, players cannot summon their horse right away. Before they can mount Torrent, players must complete several tasks.

After exiting the tutorial section and entering the open world, you can quickly obtain Torrent. Players must first get a specific summoning item in order to play Summoning Torrent. Except in dungeons and other interiors, players can use the Horse Whistle anywhere in the Lands Between.


Before summoning Torrent, players must first complete the first few sub-areas of Limgrave, Elden Ring‘s first major open-world zone. A cutscene introducing players to Melina will play when they uncover their third Lost Grace, which is normally hidden behind a big encampment of Soldiers before a large gate.

Screengrab Courtesy of DPJ via YouTube

This unidentified Maiden urges the player to agree to the Tarnished taking them to the Erd Tree’s foot in exchange for turning “runes into strength.” Players are introduced to Torrent and given the Spectral Steed Whistle at the end of this cutscene. In the overworld, players use this equipment to mount and dismount Torrent.

Summon Torrent

Go to your equipment panel and check at the bottom for your quick choose item slots after you have the Spectral Steed Whistle. The first two slots should have your Flask of Crimson Tears and Flask of Cerulean Tears. Place the Spectral Steed Whistle into an empty slot.

Screengrab Courtesy of DPJ via YouTube

Choose and utilize the Whistle just like any other “consumable” item in Elden Ring. Summoning Torrent is a lightning-fast game, with players reaching maximum speed in a matter of seconds. If you’re up against a swift opponent or the odds are stacked against you in the open world, don’t be hesitant to whip out the Whistle and flee. You can use the Whistle to dismiss Torrent once more.

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