Lantern Rite Main Quest Guide – Part 2!
So you’ve beaten part one of the Flameplume Starflower quest, and “played god” to speed up time for yourself with no regard for the lives of anyone else in Teyvat. Now it’s time to get Keqing that bedtime story, and stop worrying about work so much!
For our Lantern Rite Main Quest Guide – Part 1, CLICK HERE!
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Head all the way up to the Jade Chamber (you can teleport there instantly, but think about how difficult all this traveling would actually be), and speak with Keqing next to her makeshift fireworks thing. Keqing gives you all of two sentences, before sending you on another fetch-quest to go see Madame Ping as if we couldn’t have just done that ourselves without getting all the way up to the palace in the sky for some small talk.
All the way back, likely near where you started (there’s a waypoint if you need it), you’ll find Yanfei and Madame Ping talking near the place where Zhongli stopped being a dragon and started being a broke philosophy major. Keqing gives the old fart some seeds or something before Yanfei starts complaining about being the third overworked working girl in this single questline alone.
Now we need to go see Cloud Retainer with Keqing, so put on your hiking boots, because we’re going halfway across the entire country on another fetch quest. Once there, try really hard not to drown in the shallow water if you can help it, and you’ll find Ganyu with Cloud Retainer in the middle of the pool.
Here we are…
Everyone, Keqing included, tries really hard to please Cloud Retainer with a gift, which I guess is a perfectly valid reason to trek all the way out here to the middle of nowhere on top of a mountain, but here we are.
Cloud Retainer isn’t having any of it though until Shenhe shows up to the party, and apparently, Shenhe and Ganyu don’t even know each other yet, despite both of them practically being raised by the same bird woman on a mountaintop.
After everyone drones on about apples and exploding things and such for what seems like forever, guess what? Another fetch quest, this time to go see Xiao, who hates company and wouldn’t want gifts anyway, but off we go, because reasons!
Head over to the Wangshu Inn, where you’ll find Baizhu and Qiqi as if there weren’t enough cameos shoehorned into this quest already. Everyone’s super busy being… busy, so go ask Verr Goldet inside the inn where the brooding demon boy is. You guessed it, he’s on the roof, brooding alone.
What a shocker.
Anyway, head up to the roof so you can listen to Xiao be all dark and stuff. After that conversation predictably goes nowhere useful, a cutscene will play, presenting yet another problem that we need to travel cross-country for, this time all the way in Qingce Village.
Speak with the old grandma at the top of Qingce Village in the gazebo, and since everyone’s problems are your problems now, you’ll need to locate some stolen fireworks for her. Start checking for clues at the bright orange waypoint, then find them marked by the big ol’ arrows on the ground that are hard to miss.
This leads you all the way across the village until Chongyun and Xingqiu are accosting some treasure hoarders about the stolen fireworks. Xingqiu points right at them dramatically, Phoenix Wright courtroom-style, before concluding part two of this quest.
And we still aren’t much closer to reading Keqing that bedtime story! See you in part three, which is available on January 30th.
If you have any questions regarding Genshin Impact’s Lantern Rite Quest, feel free to ask in the comments below. For more content, stay with us, here at Spiel Times.
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