Genshin Impact Bug Lets You Roam Underwater

A glitch in the map might just land you the jackpot in Genshin Impact! Yes, you heard it head it right. A Genshin Impact player found out a totally unused area in Monstadt due to a glitch in the map.

One of the major draws of this free-to-play RPG is exploration. Players often get rewards when they go around probing and prodding different locations in the game; doing so will earn them net rewards, as well.

When a player reaches 100 percent exploration in the regions of Genshin Impact, they might not receive direct rewards, but they will instead receive a badge of honor. This symbolizes that the players have unlocked all collectives and explored the points of interest in any particular location.

Recently, game developer miHoYo has introduced a new location for players to master and comb through, the Inazuma region situated “across a thunderous sea east of Liyue”.

A Reddit user called Vindictive-Victim shared a video clip on the Genshin Impact subreddit platform about their discovery.
  • Initially, the video shows them jumping off the cliff into water, where they swim across to a tiny corner that is right under the cliff. He then abruptly holds on to the wall underwater.
  • The Reddit user then climbs down this wall and somehow magically lands on the ground. Upon turning back, the water disappears and they move around an underground area that has a rocky ceiling and has a grass terrain.

I just wanted to show off this neato map bug.
byu/Vindictive-Victim inGenshin_Impact

  • It looks like that this underground location is situated near Monstadt’s Stormterror’s Lair which is the home of Dvalin. This area, however, appears to be quite small.

This glitch gives us quite an interesting sneak-peak at how terrains of Genshin Impact are built and just maybe more areas like this can be found, though it might not be as accessible as this location. Even though this area might not serve any particular purpose, it is definitely an interesting aspect of Genshin Impact.

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