Hogwarts Legacy: Eye Chest – Where to find + How to open

The eye-chests from Hogwarts Legacy are located across the area around the castle. These chests have large eyes that monitor the surroundings, and when you get close to them, they dig in and snarl.  You’ll be able to open anyone you find once you discover the secret. These chests are opened in a completely different way; in order for them to activate, you must cast a spell on yourself. All of the eye chest locations, an opening method, and rewards are provided in this guide.

  • Prerequisite:

    • To begin with, in order to obtain Sebastian’s Disillusionment spell, you must have completed the Secrets of the Restricted Section questline. Disillusionment is an invisibility spell. It enables you to sneak past enemies without being seen, perform Pertrificus Totalis on unwary enemies, and prevent you from being seen by the eye-chests.

Hogwarts Legacy: Eye Chest – How to open

  • The best strategy is to cast the spell while the chest’s eye is closed, then approach it to open it while out of sight.
  • These chests are frequently indicated on your mini-map. If you can’t see them straight away, listen for a pounding sound and a growl.

Hogwarts Legacy: Eye Chest – Locations


  • Go to the Beast Classroom in The Bell Tower Wing to find this chest there.
  • Ascend the stairs in front of you, and then turn right when you come to the double doors.
  • Turn to face the Bell Tower Courtyard floo flame and ascend the stair on your left before ascending the following flight of steps on your left again.
  • You will ultimately get to the eye chest at the end of the walking route if you continue down the path.
CIRCULAR ROOM (Sleeping Dragon)
  • Fast travel to the Transfiguration Classroom floo flame and enter the North Hall (door on your left).
  • Take the steps on your right and exit via the door at the bottom. Go down the hall until you come to a room with a sleeping dragon.
  • As you arrive at a chamber with barrels, turn straight down the corridor and up the stairs via the barred door on your right.
  • You will arrive at a room if you descend the spiral staircase. On your right, up against a wall, is the eye chest.
  • Go to the Divination Classroom floo flame in the Library Annex to quickly locate this Eye Chest.
  • Go up the wooden steps, then take the path that leads down. The chest can be found if you continue until you reach the end of the path.
  • Head down the stairs ahead from the Defense Against the Dark Arts Classroom floo flame and turn left at the bottom.
  • This chest is located in The South Wing’s Faculty Tower. You must first unlock the level 3 door in order to go there.
  • The chest can be found in the room’s corner if you enter the room.
  • Turn left after taking the Greenhouses floo flame. Go down the stairs behind the tree. The eye chest is hidden beneath.
  • Go forward toward the book shelves in the Library flame, then turn left and head for the wall. Go through the right gate  then advance until you reach the descending stairs.
  • At the bottom, turn left and proceed through the left doorway until you reach a room.
  • Enter the downstairs doorway until you come to a table with a green lamp on it. On the left is the eye chest.
  • Straight forward, descend the stairs, then turn left to ascend additional stairs are the best directions to take from the Lower Grand Staircase flame.
  • At the top is a circular room which you will notice a statue. Left of the statue is where the eye chest is located, up against the wall.
  • The eye chest is on the bathroom.
  • Enter through the door that is directly across from Professor Fig’s classroom to find it.
  • Go up the steps from the Viaduct Courtyard, then up the stairs to your right.
  • Turn to the right as you approach the big staircase up ahead so that you are now facing the high tower’s wall.
  • The eye chest may be found at the end of the stairs on your left.
  • You must have Alohomora at level 2 in order to find this chest. Go to the Slytherin Dungeon and unlock the level 2 door once you have that.
  • The chest is in the corner to your right.


  • Go up the stairs on your left after leaving the North Hogsmeade floo flame, staying to the left of the pond.
  • Towards the end of the low wall on the left, there is a place where you can make a turn. At the base of the slope, the eye chest is up against a building.
  • Take the route north and over the bridge from the North Hogsmeade floo flame.
  • This is where the Dogweed and Deathcap shop is hidden. The eye chest is next to Beatrice Green.
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