My Hero Academia Chapter 386, titled “I am Here,” has undoubtedly lived up to the expectations set by the previous one. Actually, it wouldn’t be an exaggeration to state that this chapter has surpassed all chapters by a considerable margin. Be with us to know more about how in MHA (My Hero Academia) Chapter 386, All Might, the beloved symbol of peace and justice is back.
Although fans are undoubtedly thrilled about the upcoming development, there is also a tinge of apprehension among them regarding the survival of All Might, who is going to face a younger and more merciless All For One.
What happened in My Hero Academia Chapter 386 – Did Dabi die?
In Chapter 386, police officers report that several blocks are moving again, and AFO has passed through Idou City. A cop falls out of his chair exclaiming that Dabi’s flames in Gunga are about to explode, as per their analysis.
- Dabi is concentrating heat inside his body while fighting. If he keeps doing this, he’ll only last for 10 more minutes before an area of 5km gets destroyed.
- It will be due to a heat explosion from the energy released, which will destroy his body.
The story then moves on to Kamino, where Lida asks Shoto about his exhaustion level after using Phosphor. Shoto claims to be fine and is determined to continue using it until AFO is stopped from reaching Deku. Despite being distracted by thoughts of Dabi.
MHA Chapter 386: All Might, the former no. 1 Hero is back
The most surprising and epic moment was when All Might arrives at the battlefield where Deku and his friends are fighting against the villains. Initially, Shoto intended to assist Deku in the battle, but All Might instructed him to deal with his brother and take necessary action.
On the other side, All For One, who is getting more potent and advancing towards Shigaraki, was to be faced by none other than All Might himself. Even though he is quirkless, he decides to join the battle.
What made All Might and Deku the same hero in this situation?
After that, Iida is shown carrying Shoto on his back, crashing through buildings as they fly through the air. The narrator remarks that young AFO is stronger and more vicious.
That’s when Might gets out of his car, claiming that it has always been his battle as AFO approaches. Tsukauchi tells him to flee because he is quirkless, but All Might remember when Deku asked if he could be a hero even without a quirk.
The last page shows All For One smiling as All Might’s briefcase and car disassemble to form a robotic armor around him. He speaks his iconic line: I AM HERE!!
Will All Might die now? How Sir Nighteye foresaw his death in a gruesome way
- Fans may recall that Sir Nighteye foresaw All Might’s death using his Quirk long ago. Maybe it’s time for All Might to finally meet his end, or perhaps the opposite could be just as valid.
- Destiny can be changed, and All Might is undoubtedly someone who can battle to modify his fate. Despite being Quirkless, he can still be a hero and seems to be willing to sacrifice his life to defeat All For One.
I don't know what people wanted from All Might, but to me his journey after Kamino was always about learning that the spirit still passes on even if he's not there anymore. Him learning that there shouldn't be a pillar for ths society but a group of pillars that+#MHA386
— crater (@crater_w) April 19, 2023
That’s everything to know about how in My Hero Academia (MHA) Chapter 386 All Might is back, and the similar situation he faced when Deku was in the first season. What do you think about it? Do let us know in the comments down below.
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