Life is Strange 2 Will Use Your Choices From Life is Strange Season 1

Life is Strange 2 - Fan Art

Life is Strange 2 will use choices you made in the first season. Based on your choices from the first game, with respect to all the consequences, Life is Strange 2 will offer you a unique storyline.

Reddit user o0Baconer0o discovered the following while skimming through the game files of The Awesome Adventures of Captain Spirit. For those who are unaware of Captain Spirit, it is a one-hour long standalone prequel to Life is Strange 2, that takes place three years after the events of Life is Strange Season 1. The game is a “perfect introduction”, as claimed by DontNod, to the impeccable story of Life is Strange 2.

Here’s the image o0Baconer0o shared on the Life is Strange subreddit

Life is Strange 2 Choices

So if you made some weird choices in the first game, now is the best time to revisit the world of Arcadia Bay and make things right.

The first episode of Life is Strange 2 will release on September 27th this year. Make sure you subscribe to our push-notifications and never miss an update on Life is Strange 2. Until next time, Happy Gaming!

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