My New Boss is Goofy anime is the adaptation of Dan Ichikawa’s well-known manga. While the anime is set to release in October 2023, the producers released the latest teaser trailer on August 5. It features the titular character (the boss) who is portrayed as an absent-minded character (or should we say, a loose leader?). It has also been announced that there will be an official promo release every week, leading to the final release of the debut anime in October this year!
My New Boss is Goofy anime – complete teaser breakdown
The new and upcoming My New Boss is Goofy anime is produced by A-1 Pictures. The studio is renowned for other hit series such as Sword Art Online, Fairy Tail, and Kaguya Sama: Love is War. The recent teaser release for My New Boss is Goofy anime reveals the protagonist Kentaro Momose and his everyday office activity with his boss Yusei Shirosaki. Yusei is the titular character, the lazy and loose boss, who is clueless and kind.
Kentaro is a 26-year-old office goer, who was made to switch jobs after his old boss harassed him. But, upon the realization that his new boss is actually goofy, kind, and at the same time unmindful, Kentaro gets a great relief. The teaser reveals the two characters in their cute misadventures, and their daily affairs filled with absolute fulfilment. The teaser also reveals the cast and staff information, all of which will be discussed in the upcoming sections.
When will My New Boss is Goofy anime release?
- My New Boss is Goofy anime is set to release in October 2023. A-1 Pictures has also announced that a new promo video will see released every week until the anime is released.
- This workplace comedy will release all related information on its official website, including the series’ promotional videos.
- Fans will also get a treat of several scenes from the anime, both of the boss and the worker, in a beautiful sequence of promos.
My New Boss is Goofy anime – cast and staff information
My New Boss is Goofy anime will be directed by Noriyuki Abe. He was also the director of Pierrot’s Bleach series. Moreover, Masahiro Yokotani writing the script for the anime is also well known for his work in The Devil is a Part-Timer. The Character Designer and the Chief Animation Director is Takahiro Yasuda. The series will also get a distinct soundtrack and musical scores, all of which will be handled by Masato Nakayama.
When it comes to the cast, Yuichiro Umehara will play the role of Yusei Shirosaki. Kotaro Nishiyama will play the role of Kentaro Momose and Tomozaku Sugita will play the role of Mitsuo Aoyama. Moreover, the additional cast includes Jun Fukuyama as Aigo Kinjo and Hiro Shimono as Hakuto.
My New Boss is Goofy anime will be a debut blockbuster. It has been highly anticipated and emerging as the winner of the Web Manga General Election 2019 is a testament to its popularity. Moreover, this workplace comedy will also be an integral piece of work, as it will be experimentation will a different and less-discussed setting altogether. A shift from Shonen once in a while is what My New Boss is Goofy anime brings!