Pokemon GO: Shiny Starly – Community Day July 17, 2022

Read on to learn more about the details of Pokemon GO’s Community Day, which will take place on July 17, 2022, according to information provided by Niantic.

Pokemon GO July 2022 Community Day takes place in three weeks

The event will take place on Sunday, July 17, 2022, from 11:00 AM to 2:00 PM, according to a blog post from Niantic on the official Pokemon GO website. Additionally, the release includes information about the Pokemon highlighted for this Community Day.

Featured Pokemon – Shiny Starly

Image Courtesy of www.pokemongolive.com

Starly is the highlight of Community Day in July. Throughout the event, the little bird Pokemon will be seen in the wild more frequently than usual, and you’ll have a higher chance of running into a shiny Starly.

For July’s Community Day, Pokemon Go will also provide a new Starly-focused Special Research tale in addition to the wild spawning. The in-game item shop will sell $1 tickets to gain entry to the Special Research.

Featured Attack – Fast Attack Gust

Image Courtesy of www.pokemongolive.com

On July’s Community Day, Starly will not only be easier to capture but also able to learn a unique attack. If you can evolve the Pokemon into a Staraptor before 7 o’clock pm. The flying-type Fast Attack Gust will be taught to it.

Image Courtesy of www.pokemongolive.com

Event Bonuses

There will be a few additional in-game benefits available in addition to the increased Starly spawning on July’s Community Day. Any Incense and Lure Modules you use during the event will last three hours instead of the regular one. In addition, catching any Pokemon will grant you triple XP and double candy, with a greater likelihood of receiving Candy XL when you catch Starly.

As previously indicated, after July’s Community Day concludes, there will also be extra raids showcasing Starly’s original evolved form, Staravia. For 30 minutes after you finish one of these raids, there will be more Starly spawning nearby the host gym, increasing your chances of catching the bird Pokemon.

***The TCG crossover event for Pokemon Go is still going on as of June 30. Shiny Meltan is available when you open the Mystery Box as part of the event, and Mewtwo is back in five-star raids.

  • Bonus Tier Four Raids:
    Image Courtesy of www.pokemongolive.com
    • The Starly Community Day will end at 2:00 pm but run until 7:00 p.m.
    • Staravia will show up in Tier Four raids that can only be finished in person at local time.
    • Trainers who successfully finish these raids will notice an increase in Starly for 30 minutes in a 300-meter area surrounding the gym.
    • There will be Community Day Shiny chances for these Starly.


You can obtain stickers with event themes by spinning PokéStops, opening Gifts, or buying them from the in-game store.

Community Day Special Research story: Field Notes, Featuring Starly

Trainers may finally access the Special Research Story for Starly Community Day. You must purchase a Special Research ticket from the in-game store while the event is running in order to achieve this.

Tickets for Special Research will cost just $1 US, according to Niantic. To ensure that your pals don’t miss out on the action, Trainers can also gift your buddies these tickets.

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SOURCE: www.pokemongolive.com

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