Poppy Playtime: Viral Huggy Wuggy TikTok Explained + Police Warning

Huggy Wuggy is a trend that many people are unfamiliar with, yet social media comments and clips with this name are readily available. Authorities have issued a message warning parents to keep their kids away from Huggy Wuggy, Poppy Playtime, and this bizarre TikTok craze.

Who is Huggy Wuggy, you might ask?

  • Before going viral on TikTok and YouTube, he was the main villain in the horror game Poppy Playtime. With his razor-like fangs and morbid sense of humor, Huggy Wuggy is one terrifying bear.
  • An abandoned toy factory is the setting for this survival-horror game, in which Huggy Wuggy sings unsettling tunes to lure gamers in.

There have been complaints from teachers at a school in the United Kingdom who say they are concerned about students. It has since emerged that some of the pupils at a Primary School are re-enacting the bad behavior depicted in the clips they’ve viewed. To give more context, parts of the lyrics to a Huggy Wuggy song read:

“I could hug you here forever, till you breathe your last breath together.”
“My teeth sharp and ready. In my grasp, yeah, they’re deadly.”

Police Warning

 “There are videos people have made, songs people have made, and it’s popping up all over YouTube and TikTok using this quite graphic imagery of this bear-like character with razor-sharp teeth.  It’s based around jump scares and things you certainly wouldn’t want children exposed to. If you were to use even YouTube Kids, for example, it may slip through because there is nothing obviously sinister about the name of a video.  It really comes down to paying attention to what your children are doing and making sure they are not just trusting YouTube Kids videos are safe because unfortunately with videos like this, things do slip through the cracks.” – Chris Conroy, Cyber Protection Officer (Dorset Police)

Dorset Police UK
Image Courtesy of Dorset Police Federation

Parents’ Experiences and Reactions

More than a few parents have come out to voice their concerns about the figure, and one of them described it as alarming since many families will be unaware of the kind of horror their kids are introduced to. Here at Spiel Times, we had one parent who posted her comment and concerns about the game. Read it below:

Poppy Playtime Comment Spiel Times

15 thoughts on “Poppy Playtime: Viral Huggy Wuggy TikTok Explained + Police Warning”

  1. Bro ain’t no way this lady said that.2 of her kids are possessed by a demon that is from a game that isn’t even real

  2. Normal Parent

    Lol the video has turned your child’s teeth into razor sharp points and 2 of your 4 children are demonic? Sounds like an issue with your parenting and not the video game you lunatic.

    1. Mock me at your peril!
      May your crotch bei nfested by the fleas of a thousand camels and your arms be too short to reach.

  3. Craig Davenport

    Ok Karen. Pipe down now. (For future reference.) If your kids grow up to hate you. Don’t be surprised. Just look back at the comment you made and you’ll see why.

  4. like seriously, ill hug you till you breath your last breath? COME ON PEOPLE ITS A GAME!! WHAT IF I SAID THAT?? WOULD I DO IT? NOOOO.

  5. When i read the part when the parent says one of his/her children has a razor teeth, I was like “woah is that even real” Lol

  6. To be honest I won’t let my kids watch it because I don’t want my little girl in my bed because she’s scared some big blue thing is going to hurt her lol but it’s a bit far to say your children are possessed.. are you OK hun?

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