Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown is an action-adventure game developed and published by Ubisoft, marking the return of the beloved Prince of Persia series after a hiatus since 2010’s Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands. In this article, we will talk about a quest called The Architect. You need to find a total of 9 chests that are scattered across the game’s different areas and solve the final puzzle afterward. Let’s begin.
Lower City
Start your journey in the Lower City, where the first mystery chest awaits. Find the spot with two statues holding bows. Stand between these statues, aim at the top of the platform pointing towards the sky, and shoot to unlock the chest.
Reward: Amulet: Zurvan’s Voice
Hyrcanian Forest
Head to the Hyrcanian Forest at Mount Qaf to discover the second mystery chest. Look for four patches of red grass. Use your bow to shoot at each red grass patch. Hit them all to unlock the second chest.
Reward: Soma Tree Petal
Sacred Archives (Puzzle)
The first puzzle requires highlighting five different squares. To do this, go up to the top platform, then jump down and dash to highlight the right blocks. The correct combination of blocks needed to unlock the chest is detailed below.
Reward: Amulet Holder
Sacred Archives (NPC Interaction)
As you approach three NPCs sitting down on a marked platform, go to the empty platform and sit down just like them to unlock the fourth chest.
Reward: Soma Tree Petal
The Depths
Journey into The Depths and encounter two red Medusa heads. Use your Phantom Clone ability by leaving it on one of the heads and jump to the other Medusa Head to unlock the fifth chest.
Reward: Shockwave Amulet
Pit of the Eternal Sands
To remove the barrier, go to the lower right of the area and grab the Yellow Rock by using your Dimensional Claw (you need to grab two of these rocks, so get back there and grab another one). Get inside the first blown barrier, drop down, and use the rock you grabbed earlier to remove the 2nd barrier.
Important Note: In order for you to grab this chest, you must first need to activate the trap, which will be triggered if you drop down near the area of the chest. Fast travel to Upper City – East. Use your dimensional claw and grab the Statue Vessel moving around and return to the Pit of the Eternal Sands. Sacrifice the Statue vessel onto the trap, and once the trap is triggered, drop down to grab the chest.
Reward: Soma Tree Petal
Sunken Harbor
Using your bow, finish the tic-tac-toe puzzle and shoot the upper left corner. A chest will drop, but note that the chest is alive, and you must defeat it to get the reward.
Reward: Ard’s Fortune Amulet
Soma Tree
Use your Dimensional Claw to grab the purple beating rock and unlock the gate. Once inside the area, you will encounter a statue puzzle in which you will notice two missing statues. Find the first one on top of the area, go left, and climb up to the end to find a huge statue; grab it. Release the huge statue on the puzzle area and grab the colorless statue using your dimensional claw, placing it anywhere but the puzzle area.
Grab the colored little statue and place it on the rightmost spot facing left (interact until it faces left). The big statue you just grabbed must be placed on the left facing right. Go to the bottom of the area, grab the 3rd huge statue piece, and place it in the middle of both statues facing right.
Reward: Azure Damascus Ingot
Tower of Silence
In this puzzle, simply head to the right spot shown in the photo below and shoot an arrow in the middle of the perspective puzzle.
Reward: Soma Tree Petal
The Architect Quest
Once you’ve finished all the puzzles and grabbed all the chests, head to Maryam the Architect. Use your bow and arrows to shoot the tablets circling around the area. To solve the puzzle, check your map and find all the visited places you went to. Those places you visited will have the same symbol with a number on it. Shoot the symbols according to the right order.