The return of Grand Admiral Thrawn to the Star Wars galaxy, as explored in the recent events of Ahsoka, is a significant development that holds the potential to shape the future of the franchise’s storyline and introduce the Chiss Ascendancy into the show.
Thrawn, a character deeply rooted in the Star Wars Expanded Universe, has been a formidable adversary in the Disney+ series. But is it possible that he will try to reconnect with his own people? Thrawn’s possible reunion with the Chiss Ascendancy could lay the groundwork for the emergence of the next major villain in the Star Wars universe.
Does Thrawn’s Grand Plan Include the Chiss Ascendancy?
Thrawn’s journey began long before he ascended to the rank of Grand Admiral within the Galactic Empire. He originally served as an officer in the military of his own people and there is little doubt that being a Chiss helped him within the Empire.
Thrawn’s initial introduction to the larger galaxy occurred when he was dispatched by the Chiss Ascendancy’s Expansionary Defense Fleet on a mission to “Lesser Space,” a region inhabited by more well-known species. His apparent exile was a strategic move, with the objective of assessing whether the Galactic Republic, later transformed into the Empire, could serve as a potential ally in the Ascendancy’s ongoing war against the Grysk Hegemony.
His knowledge of the Unknown Regions and a prior encounter with Anakin Skywalker during the Clone Wars contributed to his rapid rise within the Imperial Navy. Grand Admiral Thrawn quickly distinguished himself as one of Emperor Palpatine’s most trusted military leaders. However, there is a possibility that his loyalty still lies with the Chiss.
Who are the Chiss?
The Chiss is an enigmatic and reclusive species inhabiting the Unknown Regions of the galaxy. The region is notorious for its inaccessibility due to the presence of various anomalies and the Chiss Ascendancy’s isolationist policies have further shrouded them in myth and legend, making their existence largely unknown to the wider galaxy. They perceive themselves as a superior species but adhere to non-interventionist principles, only resorting to conflict if provoked or when there is concrete evidence of an imminent threat.
Now liberated from the Emperor’s authority, Thrawn is in a unique position to rally the resources of the Empire in support of the Chiss Ascendancy. However, the Ascendancy’s own condition is shrouded in uncertainty. Prior to Thrawn’s departure, the Chiss government was embroiled in internal conflicts and turmoil.
Furthermore, a brief reunion with his friend and ally, Admiral Ar’alani of the Expansionary Defense Fleet, brought dire warnings of the Ascendancy being on the brink of chaos due to its ongoing struggle against the Grysk Hegemony and other mysterious threats lurking within the Unknown Regions.
While Thrawn’s loyalty lay with the Chiss Ascendancy, his service to the Emperor was motivated by a desire to harness the power of the Empire to aid his people. His unexpected exile beyond the known galaxy, facilitated by Jedi Ezra Bridger, abruptly altered his course. With his return, the question arises regarding the status of the Chiss Ascendancy and Thrawn’s future actions in relation to his people.
The precarious situation opens up intriguing possibilities for the Star Wars narrative. Thrawn’s return to the galaxy and his potential reunification with the Chiss Ascendancy could herald the emergence of a new major antagonist not just in Ahsoka Season 2 but in the greater MandoVerse storyline.
With the turmoil within the Ascendancy and the presence of menacing external forces, the stage is set for a complex and multifaceted storyline that could explore the intricate dynamics between Thrawn, the Empire, and the enigmatic Chiss society. Star Wars fans can eagerly anticipate the evolution of Thrawn’s character and the impact he may have on the fate of the galaxy.
The idea of Thrawn ultimately reuniting with the Chiss Ascendancy certainly promises an interesting possibility to the Star Wars Universe. Although the Chiss are known to those who read the Heir to the Empire novels, they are widely unknown to most of the fandom. By introducing the Chiss into the live-action MandoVerse, the franchise could confirm that the Empire is not the only threat in the galaxy.
The second season of Ahsoka has not yet been confirmed by Lucasfilm and Disney+ but fans can rewatch all eight episodes of Season 1 on Disney+.