A major social media platform, Twitter, known for its blue bird icon, recently announced a complete rebranding under the new name “X” – a surprising move spearheaded by the platform’s high-profile owner, Elon Musk. This decision to abandon the classic logo representing the company for many years marks a bold new direction and has sparked divided reactions across the internet. This article will look into all the viral memes and the best reactions by Twitter users mocking the newly rebranded logo “X.”
Replacing the beloved Twitter bird with an “X”
— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) July 23, 2023
Elon Musk, who acquired Twitter last fall, took to the platform to announce the rebranding. In a series of tweets, Musk shared his intention to bid farewell to the Twitter brand and embrace a new identity. The announcement surprised many, considering the platform’s long-standing association with the blue bird logo.
- Musk’s decision to replace it with the letter “X” sparked immediate curiosity and speculation among Twitter users.
- Some view this branding overhaul as an exciting next chapter and applaud the owner’s vision for evolving the platform into an all-in-one hub for services beyond social media.
- However, many users feel nostalgic about losing the familiar blue bird that has long been symbolic of Twitter.
- The new logo also garnered mixed reactions from users, with most creating memes from the whole thing.
Reactions from Users
Viral memes and reactions have spread as quickly as the initial announcement. Most reactions were from people poking fun at potential motivations behind such an unexpected shift. Memes and jokes flooded the platform, and it spread like wildfire. Now, most users are posting their own jokes about the Elon Musk’s sudden decision to rebrand Twitter as a whole.
- A few have made videos out of the new logo mocking it under the titles like “hidden message behind the logo”
the secret meaning behind the X logo pic.twitter.com/EfTsVlERyb
— Veertig Nix🏖 (@40Nix) July 25, 2023
- While some are making creative digital art with the Twitter bird nailed to the new logo.
My cartoon on Twitter's new logo — #X pic.twitter.com/kLILfSlL1T
— 巴丢草 Bad Ń— ucao (@badiucao) July 24, 2023
- Some users also photoshopped the old Twitter bird crying or angrily reacting to the logo change with captions like “I was fired”
Raise your hand if you like the new logo. “X” ✋If not 👎 pic.twitter.com/iw3QF98unt
— Trump Girl (@TrumpGirlLove) July 24, 2023
- Some people are calling the design a bit “too simple” and recreating their own versions of the new Twitter logo.
Ngl thats a sick logo. Woulda rather had this than just a lame X https://t.co/iEubh27NyO
— Monika – 3D Vtuber (REDEBUT SEPT 29th) (@MonikaCinnyRoll) July 25, 2023
The rebranding of Twitter as “X” marks a significant turning point for the platform. Elon Musk’s vision for a versatile and expansive platform has sparked excitement and skepticism among users and industry observers.
The transition from the familiar blue bird logo to the bold letter “X” has generated many reactions, from praise to mockery. Only time will tell whether or not this controversial rebranding pays off in the long run. But one thing is clear – people are passionate about the logos and identities of their favorite social networks.
So, when Dear leader changes the logo to "X," what are these posts going to be called instead of Tweets? pic.twitter.com/vl7d3puYVc
— GingerSpice❄️💙 (@thedesertginger) July 23, 2023
What are your thoughts about this logo change? Is there any funny Twitter reaction or meme about mocking the new Twitter logo that you love? Comment down! We would love to hear from you.
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