The newest agent in Valorant is an Initiator who has been causing trouble for players all over. Now that he’s clearly changed the meta, a lot of players are looking for the best ways to utilize the newest Initiator. In this guide, we will be listing the best maps to use Gekko with in Valorant, along with lineups that will be effective in making your team unstoppable. Keep reading to find out how you can make the most out of Gekko’s abilities in Valorant!
Overview of Gekko’s abilities in Valorant
Before we dive right into it, let’s have a quick refresher on what the newest Initiator can do. Quite possibly one of the most annoying agents in Valorant so far, Gekko has tons of tricks up his sleeves. These can either make him a nuisance to play against, or an agent who can easily bring you one step closer to victory if he is on your side.
Basic Ability: C – Mosh Pit
Similar to agents like Viper, Gekko has his own utility that acts like a grenade or molly. As soon as Mosh lands on a surface, it duplicates across a large area and after a short delay, it explodes.
Gekko Moshpit 5K
🎥 u/Noonek136
— Valorant News (@ValorINTEL) March 19, 2023
You do not want to get caught in Gekko’s Mosh Pit as it would mean instant death for your agent.
Basic Ability: Q – Wingman
One of Gekko’s abilities which players love the most is his Wingman. If the Initiator sends out Wingman, it can either look for enemies or handle the spike.
wingman is the best thing to ever come to valorant
— Valorant News (@ValorINTEL) March 6, 2023
Once Wingman spots an enemy, it has the ability to concuss them. On the other hand, Gekko can have Wingman either plant or defuse the spike.
Signature Ability: E – Dizzy
Another one of his annoying abilities is when he sends out Dizzy. Once Dizzy soars through the air, it blinds enemies in its line of sight. Enemies affected by this blind temporarily have blue plasma on their screen until it fades away.
Gekko Ability: Dizzy (E) | #VALORANT
FIRE to send Dizzy forward into the air. Dizzy charges up and sends out beams at enemies in their line of sight. When enemies are hit, they are blinded.
When Dizzy Expires, they turn into a glob which can be picked up to be used again…
— Mike | Valorant Leaks & News (@ValorLeaks) March 4, 2023
Although the blind only lasts a couple of seconds, Gekko has the ability to know when enemies are blinded and calls the information out to his teammates.
Ultimate Ability: X – Thrash
As for Gekko’s Ultimate Ability, he has his own version of Killjoy’s Lockdown. When used, Gekko links with Thrash’s mind and is able to control the creature as it seeks out enemies.
Gekko Ultimate: Thrash (X) | #VALORANT
FIRE to control & link with Thrash to steer her. FIRE while in the Ultimate to lunge forward and explode, detaining any enemies within their radius.
When Thrash Expires, she turns into a glob which can be picked up to be used again after…
— Mike | Valorant Leaks & News (@ValorLeaks) March 4, 2023
Once Gekko has Thrash lunge forward, it explodes and detains enemies in its radius. If Thrash expires, Gekko can then pick up the globule one more time and use his Ultimate Ability again.
Best maps for Gekko
Although you are free to choose whoever agent you want to play as in Valorant, it is important to consider if they are effective on whatever map it is you will play on. If you really want to get the hang of Gekko, you should also know which maps work best for him and his abilities.
Here are the best maps for Gekko in Valorant:
1. Icebox
From our experience playing against and with Gekko in Valorant, one of the best maps for him is Icebox. Given how big the map is, snipers and long-ranged shootouts are bound to take place in Icebox. This is where Initiators like Gekko come in handy.
- With Dizzy, you can easily blind and have enemy agents back away so they can regroup. We also mentioned how Icebox is a playground for snipers. By using Dizzy, you can catch them off-guard and stop enemies from picking off your team one by one with either their Marshal or Operator.
- Some of the most common sniping positions in Icebox are A Nest, A Screen, B Snowman, and Mid.
- Use Gekko’s other abilities to scout and help clear sites. With Wingman, you can use it to either scout and push enemies back, or use it to plant or defuse the Spike while keeping your enemies at bay.
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2. Fracture
The second among the best maps to play Gekko with in Valorant is Fracture. This is definitely not a fan favorite given its size and how annoying it is to rotate. However, Gekko and his creatures will definitely have a fun time shaking things up on this map.
- If you are an aggressive player, you can use Gekko’s abilities to your advantage and put pressure on the enemy team. It doesn’t matter if you are on the Attacker or Defender side. What matters is how you utilize your abilities and ensure that they delay the enemy team’s advances.
- There are tons of hiding spots in Fracture regardless of what side you are on. With Gekko’s Mosh Pit, you can easily clear out narrow passages like Dish, arguably one of the most annoying areas wherein enemies can either flank or hide from your team.
- It is recommended to use Mosh Pit on the following locations: A Drop, A Rope, B Tower, B Main
- As for Dizzy, this ability also comes in handy for Gekko in Fracture. You can easily blind enemies guarding entrances to either site if you are on the Attacker side. On the other hand, use Dizzy as a way of cutting the enemy rotation if your team is defending the sites.
- Cast Dizzy at the following areas in Fracture: A Main, A Hall, Defender Side Spawn, B Main, B Canteen
3. Haven
Haven is quite a difficult map to play on given that it features three sites. With B Site having open angles all over, it doesn’t matter whether you are attacking or defending. You can have enemies sneaking in from multiple entry points if you are not careful enough.
Gekko is a great pick for this map with his abilities that allow your team to cut off enemy rotations. Here is how to use him effectively on Haven:
- Gekko’s Mosh Pit works great in clearing out corners in the map. Some of the most usual corners where enemies can hide are A Lobby and Garage. Use Mosh Pit in these areas to have enemies scrambling to their feet and trying to run away from Mosh’s deadly goo.
- Dizzy is also helpful on this map as it can make enemies back away in case your team is attacking. We’ve found that Dizzy is most effective if you are attacking from C Long as enemies usually hide in corners or are hardscoping from Garage.
- Blind anyone peeking at A Long or A Sewer by throwing Dizzy directly into A Lobby. Similarly, you can throw Dizzy out of Mid Window so you can blind enemies lurking at Mid Doors or peeking from B Site.
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Have you gotten the chance to try out Gekko in Valorant? If you think there are other maps where he’s the best pick, share your thoughts with us and other Valorant players in the comments below! For more content, stay with us, here at Spiel Times.
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