Attack on Titan anime is nearing its end and it has carved itself as one of the most popular and admired shows in the history of anime. With the series already ruling the IMDb highest-rated episodes list, and the release of its penultimate season, Attack on Titan is becoming a sensational discussion all over. We know that the manga ended quite abruptly. But, will there be a different ending for Attack on Titan anime? Let’s find out!
How did the Attack on Titan manga end?
We are at a point in the Attack on Titan anime where Eren’s plans have been revealed. He intends to unleash all of the titans in the walls of Paradis, causing the rumbling and the annihilation of the world’s population thereafter. Eren wishes to save Mikasa, Armin, Levi, Hange, and his other friends. But he was willing to commit genocide for those reasons.
AoT anime fans getting ready to see the ending/AoT manga fans who already read the ending:
— Bryan (@Fantasma_TG) January 8, 2022
Eren’s faith in humanity has been long gone. He believes that for his friends to survive, they require to end humankind once and for all. The manga thus ends with Mikasa reaching the Founding Titan and killing Eren to stop the rumbling. But, with Eren’s death only a handful of twenty percent of the world’s population were saved. This left the manga readers heavily disappointed with the ending and Eren’s death.
Hajime Isamaya and will there be a different ending for Attack on Titan anime?
Hajime Isamaya is the creator of the Attack on Titan manga. He has said multiple times that it was difficult for him to draw a proper and resolute climax from the story. His expression of the end was therefore abrupt and was not conclusive. Moreover, Isamaya has also said that he wishes for a different ending to the story in the anime. He believes that this would please the fans and reach a resolution.
A Special Message From Hajime Isayama
— Attack on Titan Wiki (@AoTWiki) November 10, 2022
MAPPA might adopt a different approach to the Attack on Titan anime. But, both MAPPA and WIT have also followed the plot according to the manga so far. This raises the possibility of a similar ending for the anime as well. It cannot be confirmed if MAPPA will actually adopt a different approach or not, but fans are witnessing slight differences between the anime and the manga.
- Through theories and foreshadowings, fans have observed slight changes in the anime from the manga.
- One might be the changing color of young Eren’s shirt in Season 4. It changed from red to green in the manga, however, the anime chose the black and gray color palette.
- These are only slight observations, but fans believe that this is an indication that the timeline of the anime is not the same branch as that in the manga.
The theories of alternate timelines and the speculations of the AoT fanbase
The theories of alternate timelines raise a very significant question – will there be a different ending for Attack on Titan anime? While some suggest that there is indeed a different timeline in motion, many others believe that it might just be an artistic choice by the anime creators. The major controversy and theories of reference point towards Eren’s memory of time travel which set him on a path of predicted fate.
- But, there are observed differences in the memory scene of Eren as he is transported into the Paths. Fans believe that the anime might be following a different timeline.
- They suggest that according to this theory, Eren is making a second attempt at changing the course of his fate.
- This is supported by the observation that in the anime Eren shows a familiarity with the paths, while in the manga he is confused.
The Attack on Titan anime might not end the way fans are expecting it to do so. It might simply be similar to the Attack on Titan manga. While there are possibilities that the anime might follow a different ending to satisfy the viewers, it is not as likely given the amount of speculative evidence that we have.
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