Elden Ring: Smithing Stones 7 & 8, How To Unlock

Smithing Stones 7 and 8 are two of the most precious Elden Ring Upgrade Materials. Smithing Stones 7-8 are some of the most uncommon and rare smithing stones available. They will be required by players in order to construct higher-level equipment.

Players can obtain these Upgrade Materials through exploring, looting certain portions of a Location, by a specific Enemy or Boss drops, gifts by an NPC, or by a Merchant.

Stone used to smith a variety of armaments. Found in a polar region, it is semi-vitrified.
Strengthens armaments up to +21, +24
Thought to have been used to hone the weapons of the champions of the War against the Giants at the birth of the Erdtree.

UNLIMITED Smithing Stones 7 & 8

Players who want to get their hands on Smithing Stones 7 and 8 should focus on getting the Smithing-Stone Miner’s Bell Bearing 4. You can obtain this item by defeating bosses in a late-game location accessible via Elden Ring’s Mountaintops of the Giants.

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You can find Crumbling Farum Azula by speaking with Melina who is resting at the Forge of the Giants Site of Grace.

Screengrab Courtesy of Gaming with Abyss via YouTube

After fighting the Fire Giant in the Mountaintops of the Giants, you’ll be able to reach this particular Site of Grace.

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Speaking with Melina at this point will start a short sequence that will send players to Crumbling Farum Azula.

Screengrab Courtesy of Gaming with Abyss via YouTube

As soon as you get to this spot, begin descending by using broken platforms and staircases.

Screengrab Courtesy of Gaming with Abyss via YouTube

The Godskin Duo, the bosses who drop the Smithing-Stone Miner’s Bell Bearing 4, will eventually lead you along this road.

Screengrab Courtesy of Gaming with Abyss via YouTube

Make sure to activate all of the Grace Sites you come across along the route.

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Screengrab Courtesy of Gaming with Abyss via YouTube

Make your way to Roundtable Hold with the Smithing-Stone Miner’s Bell Bearing [4] in hand and present it to the Twin Maiden Husks.

Screengrab Courtesy of Gaming with Abyss via YouTube

Smithing Stones 7 and 8 will now be on the sellers’ inventory, costing 9,000 and 12,000 Runes respectively. You can buy as many Smithing Stones 7 and 8 as you like from the Twin Maiden Husks as long as you have Runes to spend on them, just like the other stones.

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