Windows 8 vs Windows 10 – What Are The Main Improvements?

Windows 10 was warmly welcomed by Microsoft users, and till now, its various versions with many improvements were released. What were its main innovations when it appeared on the market in 2014?

Microsoft, even though chased by Apple, remains the most powerful brand on the market. In 2020, the users of its system for PC still make over 70% of all worldwide. No wonder why – the Windows system is integrated with the products from basically all brands available on the market, from Lenovo, through Hewlett Packard to Dell. Apple’s macOS, meanwhile, is only compatible with the brand’s products. 

Microsoft vs. Apple – two opposite strategies

That inclusive strategy is the core of Steve Jobs’ company since its beginnings, and most likely it will never change. Not without the reason – Apple justifies it with the fact that it wants to have full control over its system’s quality. Meanwhile, making it adjustable to the devices of various brands would enforce some compromises on quality. Microsoft is aware of that, doing its best to provide the users with functional software that is compromised to a certain extent, remaining comfortable and intuitive.

Windows 10 vs. Windows 8

The implementation of Windows 8 was quite a revolution on the market. Visually lighter and with a new, refreshed interface, it quickly raised some enthusiasm among the users. The increased use of touch – just as in smartphones or tablets – was something that Windows 8 encouraged, however, it didn’t turn out to be practical. Windows 10 rejected this idea, coming back to its roots and making the navigation through touch only one of the possible interaction models.

Another interesting change in Windows 10 was the addition of numerous desktops that you can operate at the same time – a solution well known for macOS users.

The newest version of Windows 10 – what are its innovations?

Since its release in 2014, Windows 10 has gone through lifting quite a lot of times. The new version is far from what we remember from a few years ago, offering the users another dimension of comfort and functionality. What are the improvements most appreciated by the users?

  • Microsoft Edge – an alternative for an old Internet Explorer, a browser that most users used to switch to Chrome or Opera. Its design and functionality deserve some appreciation; however, we are not sure if it’s enough. 
  • Cortana – a personal assistant that learns by working with you. It can help you with everything, from payments to scheduling.
  • improvements for gamers – integration with XBOX brought to a new level.

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