As One Piece nears its end, how close are the Straw Hats to finishing their individual dreams?

As One Piece nears its end, how close are the straw hats to finishing their individual dreams?

Eiichiro Oda’s extraordinary creation, One Piece, approaches its climactic conclusion. The Straw Hat pirates draw nearer to the elusive Laugh Tale. As such, it becomes vital to assess their journey toward realizing their personal dreams. We assume that you have perused our comprehensive article exploring the dreams of each crew member and how they intertwine with Luffy’s quest to uncover Laugh Tale. In this guide, we will evaluate the current status of each Straw Hat pirate in relation to their individual dream.

  • As the series nears its epic finale, it is intriguing to witness the varying degrees of progress each Straw Hat pirate has made toward their dreams. For instance, Zoro is steadily advancing on his path to becoming the strongest swordsman.
  • Jinbe on the other hand, seems to have a considerable distance to go in pursuit of his own dream. Thus, without revealing too much, let us delve into the remarkable dreams of the Straw Hat pirates.

One Piece Straw Hat Pirates – How close are they to finishing their individual dreams?

In One Piece, dreams and ambitions have consistently held significant significance. Since the beginning, they have served as the motivating factor for the diverse and enthralling cast of characters. Among these characters, Monkey D. Luffy and his devoted crew, renowned as the Straw Hat Pirates, emerge as exceptional exemplars.


As One Piece nears its end, how close are the straw hats to finishing their individual dreams?
One Piece Jinbe | Image courtesy of Crunchyroll

It seems that Jinbe, the final addition to the Straw Hat Pirates, will also be the final member to fulfil his individual dream.

  • Jinbe envisions a world where the Fishmen can experience genuine freedom and equality. However in the current political landscape in One Piece, the Fishmen are treated as an inferior race. They are also discriminated against by the Celestial Dragons.
  • This is why his dream can only come to fruition if either Luffy and his Straw Hat Pirates or the Revolutionary Army manage to overthrow the World Government.
  • Such a momentous event is anticipated to occur toward the end of the story. A final war is expected to break out involving pirates, the Revolutionary Army, and the World Government.
  • A crucial aspect to consider is that the Fishmen have formed an alliance with Luffy. They may emerge victorious in the war and finally earn the rightful respect they deserve.

However, it is still safe to say that Jinbe’s dream can only be realized in the aftermath of the final war. This indicates that our beloved “Knight of the Sea” still has a long way to go before accomplishing his goal.


As One Piece nears its end, how close are the straw hats to finishing their individual dreams?
One Piece Brook | Image courtesy of Crunchyroll

Brook, the lone survivor of the Rumbar Pirates, carries a modest and touching dream. He wants to reunite with the Island Whale Laboon and honour the promise they made.

  • Brook’s dream is guaranteed to be fulfilled once the Straw Hat Pirates successfully circumvent the Grand Line and arrive at Reverse Mountain.
  • This milestone signifies that they have completed their journey across the Grand Line. This is a prerequisite for Luffy’s ultimate goal of becoming the Pirate King.

However, it is difficult to determine a precise timeline for when Brook will achieve his dream. The duration of the crew’s journey remains uncertain. This makes it challenging to predict when they will reach the end of their journey.


As One Piece nears its end, how close are the straw hats to finishing their individual dreams?
One Piece Franky | Image courtesy of Crunchyroll

Franky, the eccentric cyborg, harbours an ambitious dream: to construct a vessel capable of navigating the entire world.

  • Franky’s aspiration aligns with that of Brook, as both dreams will be realized once the Thousand Sunny reaches the final island of their epic journey, as well as Reverse Mountain.
  • Devoted fans eagerly anticipate witnessing the Thousand Sunny embark on this legendary voyage, poised to become the sole ship, following in the footsteps of the legendary Oro Jackson, to achieve such a remarkable feat.

Similar to Brook, it is challenging to determine precisely when Franky will achieve his dreams due to the uncertainty surrounding the duration of the crew’s journey. The length of their adventure makes it difficult to predict when they will ultimately accomplish their objectives. However, one thing can be said for sure; with every passing day, “Iron Man” Franky inches closer to his dream.

Nico Robin

As One Piece nears its end, how close are the straw hats to finishing their individual dreams?
One Piece Nico Robin | Image courtesy of Crunchyroll

Nico Robin, the lone survivor of Ohara, possesses yet another monumental dream. She yearns to unravel the hidden truths of the world’s history, particularly the enigmatic Void Century.

  • Unlike Brook or Franky, Nico Robin’s goal is something she can actively pursue as they journey together.
  • Through her involvement with the Straw Hat Pirates, she has already made significant progress in uncovering the mysteries through her expertise in deciphering the ancient Poneglyphs. However, it is evident that, like many other characters in the One Piece universe, she remains largely unaware of the full scope of the world’s true history.

It is reasonable to assume that Nico Robin will achieve her dream just before Luffy attains the title of Pirate King, or at the very least, when they reach the Island of Laugh Tale. In fact, her knowledge of the Void Century may play a crucial role in igniting the Final War, the most significant event within the narrative.

Tony Tony Chopper

As One Piece nears its end, how close are the straw hats to finishing their individual dreams?
One Piece Chopper | Image courtesy of Crunchyroll

When it comes to Tony Tony Chopper, we venture into the realm of speculation and theorizing. At first glance, his dream appears straightforward: to become a skilled doctor capable of eradicating all known diseases.

However, it is the underlying implication of this dream that ignites fervour among the One Piece fandom.

  • Chopper has already made considerable strides as a proficient doctor, successfully treating a wide range of illnesses, diseases, and injuries, regardless of their severity.
  • However, this achievement pales in comparison to what lies ahead. A popular theory suggests that Devil Fruit users may fall ill when approaching Laugh Tale, as evidenced by both Roger and Buggy, who suffered from an incurable sickness.
  • This trial is poised to become Chopper’s greatest challenge, given that Luffy, also a Devil Fruit user, is destined to set foot on Laugh Tale.

Nonetheless, much like Robin, Chopper has demonstrated significant growth. In nearly every major arc, particularly in the post-time-skip era, he has successfully healed afflictions and wounds that were once deemed incurable. His capabilities indicate that he is on the cusp of achieving his aspiration of becoming the all-curing panacea he envisioned.

Vinsmoke Sanji

As One Piece nears its end, how close are the straw hats to finishing their individual dreams?
One Piece Sanji | Image courtesy of Crunchyroll

Sanji carries the cherished dream of his mentor, Zeff, with unwavering passion—the pursuit of the fabled All Blue, a legendary domain said to bring together the abundant marine life from the four vast seas.

  • However, compared to his fellow Straw Hat crewmates, Sanji appears to be the furthest from realizing his dream.
  • Even after delving deep into the treacherous New World, he has yet to come across any substantial information regarding the existence of the All Blue. A prevalent fan theory suggests that the All Blue does not currently exist, which is why he is unable to recover any evidence of it.
  • According to this theory, the creation of the All Blue is contingent upon Zunesha, the colossal elephant, smashing through the Red Line and Mariejois. Only then would the waters from all seas converge, giving birth to the legendary All Blue.
  • However, the destruction of Mariejois is an event projected far into the future, anticipated to transpire during the Final War. The exact timing of this occurrence remains uncertain.

It is safe to conclude that Sanji has made the least headway among the Straw Hat crew in pursuing his dream. He unconditionally assists Luffy in relentlessly pursuing his goal, and this may be one of the crucial factors for not making much progress.

Recommended Read: Are Zoro and Sanji losing their own dreams by running after Luffy’s goal?

Moreover, he has encountered significant obstacles, as there is a notable dearth of recoverable information concerning the elusive All Blue.


As One Piece nears its end, how close are the straw hats to finishing their individual dreams?
One Piece Usopp | Image courtesy of Crunchyroll

Usopp’s dream holds a certain level of ambiguity. He yearns to conquer his fears and become a “great warrior of the sea.” Unfortunately, he provides no further elaboration on this aspiration.

  • It is evident that Usopp still grapples with his own courage. He often displays fear in the face of adversaries, even during their time in Wano. However, he has managed to summon bravery when his comrades need it most, putting on a courageous front for the sake of the team.
  • Anticipations are high for Usopp’s significant growth in Elbaf, the next destination of the Straw Hat Pirates. As one of the remaining crew members who have yet to experience their own individual arcs, Elbaf, the land of the giants, holds great significance for Usopp. It is a place he genuinely respects, and there, he may learn invaluable lessons from the giants themselves.
  • Furthermore, Elbaf will also feature the presence of Shanks and his crew, potentially offering Usopp an opportunity to reunite with his father and further develop as a character.

Trivia: “Elbaf” spelt backwards is “Fable.” Given Eiichiro Oda’s penchant for subtle wordplays, it is possible that Usopp’s Fable might just be an arc about him!

Considering the trajectory of the Straw Hat Pirates towards Elbaf, there is a strong possibility that Usopp could be the first among the crew to see his dream fulfilled!


As One Piece nears its end, how close are the straw hats to finishing their individual dreams?
One Piece Nami | Image courtesy of Crunchyroll

Just like Robin and Chopper, Nami has been steadily making progress toward her dream. The skilled navigator of the Straw Hat crew wants to create a complete map of the entire world. The journey of the Straw Hats has proven to be fruitful in this regard.

  • As the crew draws closer to the ultimate destination of Laugh Tale, Nami edges ever closer to achieving her dream. She has diligently mapped out each island that the Straw Hats have encountered, with only a few remaining islands yet to be charted.
  • Among these remaining islands lies the elusive Laugh Tale, the enigmatic final destination rumoured to hold the legendary treasure known as the One Piece. She also needs to chart out Elbaf and other islands along the way.

In order for Nami to complete her world map, it is imperative that the crew reaches this mysterious island. Consequently, she will fully realize her dream the moment they step foot on Laugh Tale and Luffy claims the title of Pirate King.

Roronoa Zoro

As One Piece nears its end, how close are the straw hats to finishing their individual dreams?
One Piece Zoro | Image courtesy of Crunchyroll

Roronoa Zoro harbours an ambitious dream that ranks second only to Luffy’s own. He seeks to attain the revered distinction of becoming the world’s strongest swordsman.

  • Throughout the series, Zoro has exhibited remarkable growth as a character. His determination and pursuit of strength are evident in his actions. This is particularly visible during his endeavours in the perilous realm of Wano. He constantly refines his swordsmanship through relentless battles and strives to push his limits.
  • However, it is clear that Zoro is currently far from attaining the level of power held by the current titleholder, Dracule Mihawk. Nevertheless, there is a widespread belief that Zoro will continue to grow stronger. He will gradually close the gap between himself and Mihawk. Theories suggest that this evolution in power will take place during the final stages of the story. His conflict with Mihawk will potentially coincide with the climactic Final War.
  • It is worth noting that unforeseen circumstances may arise. The Blackbeard pirates may defeat Dracule Mihawk, leading Zoro to face a new formidable opponent.

Regardless of the challenges that lie ahead, it is certain that Zoro will ultimately fulfill his dream. He will claim the title of the strongest swordsman. However, the final outcome of this journey is likely to transpire during the dramatic climax of the series, the Final War. This explains why Zoro currently appears to be distant from achieving his coveted goal.

Monkey D. Luffy

As One Piece nears its end, how close are the straw hats to finishing their individual dreams?
One Piece Monkey D. Luffy | Image courtesy of Crunchyroll

Monkey D. Luffy, the central figure of our tale, possesses a singular and resolute dream. He has made it abundantly clear: to discover the One Piece and become the next pirate king. He shows unwavering determination and no room for compromise.

  • Luffy’s journey ahead is undeniably the longest and most challenging of all. He must prove himself as the mightiest pirate in the vast seas. This means he has to triumph over formidable figures such as Shanks and Blackbeard.
  • Furthermore, he must safely guide his crew to the elusive Laugh Tale, a path riddled with countless obstacles and trials.
  • According to prevalent theories, Luffy may even share the same destiny as the previous pirate king. This means he may also be executed towards the end of his life.

Considering the immense expanse of his voyage, it is truly awe-inspiring to witness Luffy’s remarkable progress as he strives to fulfil his dreams. The protagonist exemplifies the unwavering pursuit of aspirations in the face of formidable challenges. This serves as an embodiment of courage and tenacity. We extend our heartfelt wishes for his success in this momentous endeavour!

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