How to Properly Track a Package Online

In today’s fast-paced world, with millions of parcels being shipped on a daily basis, location or track a package can feel like chasing a fleeting dream. You’re eagerly awaiting that special delivery, and the suspense is killing you. Will it arrive on time? Is it still in transit? Fret not! In this article, we’ll dive into the art of package tracking, using online tracking tools to turn the tracking experience into a breeze. Buckle up as we embark on this package tracking adventure!

Understanding the Basics of Package Tracking

Before we delve into the intricacies of online tracking tools, it’s essential to grasp the fundamental principles of package tracking. At its core, package tracking is like playing detective, following your parcel’s every move. Each package is assigned a unique tracking number that acts as its digital fingerprint.

The Anatomy of a Tracking Number

Let’s break down a typical tracking number (e.g., 1Z9999991999999CN):

  • The first digit often represents the shipping method.
  • The next two digits signify the service level.
  • The following four digits are the package identifier.
  • The ninth digit is a check digit for verification.
  • The last 2 digits are specifying the origin of the shipment.

Online Package Tracking Tools

Now, here’s where the real magic happens. Online package tracking tools have revolutionized the way we monitor our deliveries. These platforms are offering real-time updates on your package’s location and in some cases, estimated delivery date provided by Machine Learning or AI for accuracy, making your life a whole lot easier.

The Convenience of Courier Websites

Most major courier companies like FedEx, UPS, and DHL provide their own tracking portals. Simply visit their websites, enter your tracking number, and voila! You’ll receive a comprehensive status report on your package’s journey.

Universal Tracking Aggregators

If you’re dealing with multiple carriers, universal tracking aggregators like Ordertracker or 17track can be your best friends. These platforms consolidate tracking information from various carriers, presenting it in one easy-to-follow interface.

Steps to Efficient Package Tracking

Tracking a package isn’t just about punching in a tracking number and hoping for the best. To maximize your tracking efficiency, follow these steps:

Step 1: Get Your Tracking Number

As soon as you make a purchase, ensure you obtain the tracking number. This is your golden ticket to package surveillance, make sure to not confuse it with an order number, or other identifiers that are internal identifiers for sellers, and are not eligible for tracking.

Step 2: Visit the Tracking Portal

Whether it’s the courier’s website or a universal aggregator, head to the appropriate tracking portal.

Step 3: Enter Your Tracking Number

Input your tracking number accurately. Double-check it if you must, as one wrong digit can lead to confusion.

Step 4: Receive Real-Time Updates

Sit back and relax as the online tracking tool works its magic. You’ll receive instant updates on your package’s whereabouts.

Troubleshooting Common Tracking Hiccups

Package tracking isn’t always a smooth ride. Sometimes, you might encounter hiccups along the way.

Missing or Delayed Updates

Ever experienced a sudden silence in your tracking updates? Don’t panic! It’s common for there to be gaps in tracking information. Carriers might not update in real-time, and delays can occur.

Wrong Tracking Information

Occasionally, you might see unusual updates, like “Package delivered” when it’s still not at your doorstep. These discrepancies can be resolved by contacting the carrier directly.

Tips for Package Tracking Success

Mastering the art of package tracking takes practice. Here are some additional tips to make your tracking journey even smoother:

Sign Up for Notifications

Many tracking platforms allow you to sign up for email or SMS notifications. This way, you’ll receive instant updates without manually checking.

Keep an Eye on Special Instructions

If you have specific delivery preferences or instructions, communicate them clearly to the carrier. This helps prevent delivery mishaps.

Patience is Key

Package tracking can be addictive, but remember, packages follow their own schedule. Be patient if there are delays or unusual updates.


Tracking a package has never been more accessible, thanks to online tracking tools. With a clear understanding of the basics, choosing the right tracking platform, and following our step-by-step guide, you’ll be a package tracking pro in no time. Say goodbye to delivery anxiety and hello to package tracking convenience!

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