Jujutsu Kaisen: Could Mahito have unlocked the Hidden Potential in Yuji & Others?


No bad guy in Jujutsu Kaisen inspires more hatred in fans than Mahito does. With his unique Soul powers, Mahito can manipulate the shape of human souls – often to horrifying degree.

Most fans wish Yuji would just punch his face in, but could that nasty power of his have actually helped Yuji and his friends get stronger? As crazy as it sounds, a fan theory says maybe!

Jujutsu Kaisen: Mahito’s Idle Transformation could’ve changed everything for Yuji

According to Jujutsu Kaisen lore, every human soul has immense latent power waiting to be unlocked. We saw a hint of this when Mahito reached his terrifying “True Form” after utilizing the advanced Black Flash technique.”

However, Mahito’s abilities could perhaps have been used for good rather than evil. An intriguing fan theory suggests that under different circumstances, Mahito could have brought out the true potential in several key Jujutsu Kaisen characters.

  • What if instead of only advancing his own power, Mahito tapped into the potential of the humans around him? For someone like protagonist Yuji – whose full capabilities remain mysterious – Mahito could potentially have drawn out incredible untapped soul power, making Yuji an even greater asset in battles against Curses.
  • Furthermore, Mahito demonstrated how easily he can negate even fundamental limits on sorcerers, as when he removed the “Heavenly Restriction” binding Mechamaru. Perhaps he could have granted powers to Maki Zenin and Toji Fushiguro as well.

While we as readers adore current version of Maki, how exciting might it have been to see her command Cursed Techniques in addition to her prodigious physical strength? Or witness Toji slinging Cursed Energy with the same perfection as his sword skills? The possibilities are thrilling.

And Mahito’s reality-bending might not stop there. The latest JJK manga chapter confirmed that Miwa can no longer fight due to a mysterious binding vow. Could Mahito augment her abilities as he did his own? He could’ve potentially freed her from the vow. Not to mention, he could’ve healed Gojo and brought him back.

Of course, all this speculation hinges on a kinder, less monstrous Mahito – which seems unlikely given his sadistic nature in the story. Still, it’s interesting to imagine an alternate timeline where instead of orchestrating chaos and destruction, Mahito unlocks the true potential of Yuji and his allies in their fight to protect humanity. He could’ve been the key to Sukuna’s destruction.


Of course, Mahito remaining a vile villain who receives his comeuppance allows for a more satisfying narrative. The tension and fights leading up to his climatic defeat in Shibuya provide some of Jujutsu Kaisen’s most pulse-pounding moments. Additionally, exploring the unknown upper limits of characters like Yuji keeps readers invested moving forward.

Nonetheless, speculating about subverted potential and unlikely alternate timelines is part of what makes fiction so fascinating. There’s an alluring appeal in an “alternate possibility” tale – even one as far-fetched as a reality where the nefarious Mahito unlocks the hidden strengths of Yuji, Maki, or others. And who knows, Akutami may hold some game-changing surprises regarding souls and power-ups up his sleeve…

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