Deadpool 3: Elektra and Daredevil rumored casting – Is it true?

Deadpool 3: Elektra and Daredevil rumored casting - Is it true?

The hype around Deadpool 3 keeps growing with each new rumored update, especially the ones about cameos and casting choices. On that note, the latest rumor suggests that Ben Affleck will reprise his role as Daredevil/Matt Murdock from the 2005 film Elektra. This comes alongside more casting rumors for characters from the X-Men and Marvel universes. Regardless, a true multiversal fan fest awaits in theaters. Let’s look at all the rumors and explore the potential for these exciting castings in Deadpool 3.

Daredevil and Elektra casting rumors in Deadpool 3

An industry insider, famous in TikTok as @CanWeGetSomeToast, posted a video claiming that Ben Affleck is doing a cameo role in the upcoming Ryan Reynolds movie. Multiple sources suggest the same, and his presence now seems highly likely.


Here’s my thank you to all of you following me on TikTok! Lots of juicy bits of info will come in due time 🥰 #Deadpool #Deadpool3 #Batfleck #BenAffleck #Daredevil #DareDevilBornAgain #Marvel #MCU #DeadpoolAndWolverine #CharlieCox #CharlieCox #TimeVarianceAuthority #Multiverse #TVA #lokiseason2

♬ Murder – Bgnzinho

If the casting rumors are true, the actor will again don the red suit and portray the vigilante hero, Daredevil, in Deadpool 3, 18 years after 2005’s Elektra. Now, fans are curious about how Daredevil’s presence would tie into the Marvel and X-Men universe crossover.

Another interesting casting rumor in Deadpool 3 is about including Elektra herself. The female warrior assassin was off to a bad start with the standalone film starring Jennifer Garner in 2005. A return after such a long time could redeem the character’s legacy.

Image courtesy of 20th Century Fox

Now that Ben Affleck seems likely to return as Daredevil in Deadpool 3, casting rumors are also swirling for Elektra. However, nothing seems concrete regarding the same as fans await more updates.

More rumored cameos in Deadpool 3

Apart from the potential rumored castings for Daredevil and Elektra, Deadpool 3 will also feature more cameos from the X-Men and Marvel franchises. Given that Hugh Jackman returns as Wolverine after a long time, the film might bring familiar actors from the X-men movies.

There are TWO other cast members returning for Deadpool 3. One from the Fox X-Men movies and one from the MCU. They’re villains and you would NEVER guess who.
byu/TheUncannyBroker inMarvelStudios_Rumours

This includes big names like Halle Berry as Storm, Famke Janssen as Jean Grey, and James Marden as Cyclops. More recently, Channing Tatum was rumored to be cast as Gambit in the upcoming movie.

Deadpool 3 is taking a multiverse approach to make room for some epic on-screen crossovers on the lines of Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness, Spider-Man: No Way Home, and more recently, The Flash.

Channing Tatum And Taylor Kitsch Will Appear In ‘Deadpool 3’ As Gambit
byu/ARandomTopHat inMovieLeaksAndRumors

On that note, Deadpool might just run into the Time Variance Authority from the MCU and bring in characters like Loki, Wanda, and Mobius. After all, there’s no one better than Ryan Reynolds’ Deadpool to mess up the Sacred Timeline.

Deadpool 3’s confirmed cast members

Ryan Reynolds will reprise as the titular anti-hero, Deadpool, while Hugh Jackman joins him in the franchise for the first time as Logan, AKA Wolverine. The Shawn Levy directorial feature is scheduled for release worldwide on May 3, 2024.

The cast includes returning actors such as Karan Soni as Dopinder, Leslie Uggams as Blind Al, Morena Baccarin as Vanessa, Stefan Kapicic as Colossus, Rob Delaney as Peter, Brianna Hildebrand as Negasonic Teenage Warhead, and Shioli Kutsuna as Yukio.

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