All Stronghold locations in Diablo 4 beta

All Diablo 4 beta Stronghold locations

The world of Diablo 4 Is filled with thrilling adventure, mysterious monuments, and breathtaking quests. Fans love the series for the diverse experience that it offers, and this includes liberating an entire village plagued with monsters and bosses. In Diablo 4, Strongholds are one of those features where players must locate and secure a zone to get some added benefits. 

For gamers, fighting enemies with the purpose to earn some rewards and unlock a region never gets old. Blizzard, for the very same reason, has added the Stronghold feature in the game, which will provide a similar experience. There are quite a lot of incentives for anyone who decides to grind their way to completion. 

Stronghold completion is necessary to get the useful Renown points in Diablo 4. The following guide will explore all the Stronghold locations that were found during the Early Access Beta.

A list of every Stronghold in Diablo 4 Beta 

The area that was once a settlement for NPCs is now ruled by countless monsters. You must complete the Strongholds to bring back life into the bleak world of Sanctuary. 

As mentioned earlier, one of the incentives for Stronghold completion is the Renown point. You can stack these points to get stronger early on in the game. Make sure you are ready to access the objective as it requires you to have a level 20 character. 

For now, Diablo 4 is going through its Beta stage. Fans who were able to play the game during its Early Access confirmed that there are only three Strongholds that are currently available. Their locations are spread apart in the region of Fractured Peaks where the prologue takes place. 

The following infographic mentions that the Fractured Peaks is the only playable region in the beta. However, the complete release of the game will feature five regions, each having its specific number of Strongholds. But for now, here are all the available locations for you to secure.

1) Malnok

Malnok Diablo 4
Malnok Stronghold location on the map(Image courtesy of Youtube/WoW Quests)

After completing the campaign of Diablo 4, you will find yourself in the town of  Kyovashad. Head towards the east of the area to locate the Malnok Stronghold

You need to be at least level 20 to engage with the Stronghold enemies. As a part of its objective, you need to slay the Ice Clan Stormcallers to stop the ongoing blizzard. Finally, kill the remaining enemies and other bosses to set the village free. 

2) Nostrava

Nostrava Stronghold Diablo 4
Nostrava Stronghold location (Image courtesy of Youtube/WoW Quests)

Now, head over to the west of the Fractured Peaks to reach the Nostrava Stronghold. Once you reach the area, search for the Priestess to make further advancement. 

You need to survive the onslaught of monsters and destroy the effigies as a part of the objective. Once you return to the chapel, you officially secure the NPCs to settle. 

3) Kor Dragan

Kor Dragan Stronghold
The hardest Stronghold of Fractured Peaks (Image courtesy of Youtube/WoW Quests)

Lastly, the Kor Dragon Stronghold is located north of the Fractured Peaks. Make sure you are at least above level 25 or above before entering as it is the most difficult of them all. 

Once you reach the location, eliminate the respective enemies and bosses to gain access to the area. You will also unlock The Gathering of Legion Zone event upon completion. 

Stronghold completions are essential to make progress in Diablo 4. It opens up features such as waypoints, rare events and quests, Dungeons, vendors, and more. So, when the Beta servers are live, gear up and join a party to complete this slugfest. 

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