One Piece: Will Kizaru leave the Marines following Kuzan?

Admniral Borsalino aka Kizaru

The dynamic between the Marine Admirals in One Piece has been shaken up ever since the events of the Paramount War. Former Admiral Aokiji, now known as Kuzan, left the Marines after being defeated by Akainu for the position of Fleet Admiral. This, combined with the recent events in the manga, has raised a particular question among some fans. Will Kizaru leave the Marines following Kuzan? Let’s find out.

Unclear Justice

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Makino protecting Garp from Daddan | Image Courtesy via IMDb

Kuzan has struck out on his own path, leaving the strict doctrine of Absolute Justice behind and instead following the concept of ‘Lazy Justice’. Borsalino, aka Kizaru, on the other hand, was portrayed to be someone who never accepted the idea of absolute justice from the beginning, as evidenced by the ‘Unclear Justice’ banner in his office.

  • Kizaru has always had a very laidback personality and fighting style compared to the ruthlessness of Akainu. He seems to operate on his own whims rather than any firm ideology.
  • During the Paramount War, he was willing to disregard the World Government’s attempts to cover up the escape of Luffy and other prisoners from Impel Down.
  • He also showed a willingness to negotiate with Silvers Rayleigh, commenting that the Dark King’s reputation was enough for him to be willing to avoid confrontation.

Will Kizaru leave the Marines?

There are a few key factors that suggest Kizaru could leave the Marines in the future.

  • First, if Akainu continues consolidating power and enforcing Absolute Justice in increasingly draconian ways, Kizaru may tire of it. He may decide to follow his own sense of right and wrong rather than the World Government’s mandates.
  • Second, Kizaru seemed to have a level of respect for Kuzan as a fellow Admiral. Kuzan’s choice to leave may influence Kizaru’s own thinking.

That being said, there are reasons Kizaru may stay with the Marines. His laidback personality suggests he may prefer to avoid conflict with Akainu rather than directly opposing him. Continuing to subtly disregard orders may be easier than outright leaving for him.

Kizaru’s Personality

One Piece Devil Fruits Kizaru
Image Courtesy of Toei Animation

Kizaru’s trademark so far has been his aloofness and indifference when it comes to almost anything, and he seldom shows different types of reactions outside of his own enigmatic quips. From a narrative perspective, having another Admiral leave would cause further turbulence to the structure of the Marines and the World Government, building tension and setting the stage for the final saga.

Kizaru comes across as much more moderate than Akainu’s extremism. Now that Aokiji has left the Marines, the easygoing Kizaru may find himself even more at odds with Akainu’s leadership. The Strict Marine doctrine suppresses individuality and freedom in exchange for order. Kizaru has always shown signs that he does not fully buy into that doctrine.


For now, the light-wielding Admiral seems content to lazily follow his whims while remaining part of the Marine system. But further down the line, Kizaru walking his own path seems like a credible possibility, especially if Akainu’s extremism continues to grow. The collapse of the Marine power structure could very well be part of the final saga. Kizaru’s choices may play an integral role in that.

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